Fox JOE and Me Numberblocks,歌詞 “Seven” Song – Sevenのうたの歌詞

“Seven” Song – Sevenのうたの歌詞


Numberblocksの歌の歌詞 – Seven

“Seven” Song – Lucky Number Seven –

I'm the luckiest number block in the world.

I'm lucky number seven 
I'm in a happy place
The sun is always shining and 
There's always a smile upon my face

I see a penny and I pick it up 
And all day long I have good luck
I'm lucky number seven 
and Everything is falling into place

I'm lucky number seven 
And as you might have guessed
I always win the raffle
With seven on your side 
You're seven blessed

In a pickle, you're in luck 
I'll help you out when you get stuck.
And if you stick with seven 
Everything will work out for the best. 
Rainbow time!

- Red!
- My first block is the same as you.

- Orange!
- My second block is the same as two.

- Yellow!
- My third block is just like number three.

- Green!
- My fourth is green, as you can see!

Blue for five.
Indigo for six.

Violet is for seven...
Oh, that's me!

I've got seven rainbow-coloured Blocks
That makes me unique

I've got seven pairs of pants And socks
One for each day of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
One, two, three, four five, six, seven

I've got seven golden tickets
One, two, three, four five, six, seven

All my ducks are in a row
One, two, three, four five, six, seven

Nothing's going to stop me 
All my traffic lights are on go!

I'm lucky number seven 
I'd like to chance my arm
In tricky situations 
There's really no reason for alarm

I take problems in my stride 
I've got fortune on my side
I'm lucky number seven 
We know with me I'll be your lucky charm. 

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